To Destroy You Is No Loss


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Memories of Cambodia....
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Memories of Cambodia....

This page is dedicated to the memories and traditions of Cambodia that we left behind. Cambodia is a beautiful country; rich in culture and home to the phenomenal, Ankor Wat. All was lost under the rule of the Pol Pot regime, driven to force his own people into communism. We lost everything, except for these valuable pictures, to be our only precious memories.

Rasmei by the sea with Tevi and Roth (on her lap).

Rasmei Hong by the sea in Cambodia with Roth and Tevi.

Rasmei and Leng's wedding.

Traditional Cambodian wedding goes over a period of three days.

Rasmei and daughter (Chenda).

Rasmei and Chenda, Thai refugee camp.

Young Rasmei

Reminisce of prewar.